Windows Azure AppFabric SDK v1.0 Released

Windows Azure AppFabric SDK v1.0 Released (Service Bus and Access Control)

“Windows Azure platform AppFabric is part of the Azure Services Platform. Microsoft .NET Services includes two services: the Access Control Service and the Service Bus.

Version: V1.0
Date Published: 12/18/2009
Language: English
Download Size: 1.9 MB – 4.5 MB*


This SDK includes API libraries and samples for building connected applications with the .NET platform. It spans the entire spectrum of today’s Internet applications – from rich connected applications with advanced connectivity requirements to Web-style applications that use simple protocols such as HTTP to communicate with the broadest possible range of clients.


Windows Server AppFabric and Windows Azure platform AppFabric enable users to build and manage applications more easily both on-premises and in the cloud.

Windows Azure platform AppFabric, formerly called “.NET Services”, helps developers connect applications and services in the cloud or on-premises. This includes applications running on Windows Azure, Windows Server and a number of other platforms including Java, Ruby, PHP and others. It provides a Service Bus for connectivity across network and organizational boundaries, and Access Control for federated authorization as a service.

From the CHM;

“AppFabric Service Bus and AppFabric Access Control are a set of Microsoft-built and hosted Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services for building Internet-enabled applications. AppFabric Service Bus and AppFabric Access Control provide applications with a common infrastructure to name, discover, expose, secure, and orchestrate Web services. They are designed to significantly lower the entry barriers for new types of interconnected Internet-scale applications regardless of whether they are Web-based, they work through application-to-application federation, or they want to exploit the rich user experience and media capabilities of modern desktop environments. This section discusses these two services in more detail.

Microsoft DownloadsWindows Azure platform AppFabric SDK V1.0